quiet before the storm??

Hello out there, ever since the release of the OS7 devices it seems things once again are quieting down. Sure we had the 2nd quarter earnings report that stirred up quite a buzz filled with a bunch of negative. “BlackBerry coming to an end” B.S. But realistically RIM/BlackBerry isn’t going anywhere for a long, long time, if at all. Their presence in Canada is HUGE! They have tons of money, and were just voted #1 most attractive company in Canada, plus just recently reached 70+million global subscribers! So IOS and Android are more popular right now and are beating BlackBerry at their own game. But don’t forget RIM is in a major transition to the QNX OS. Of course the change isn’t going to happen over night, I believe it will take a lot longer, and is not going be over with the first QNX device. But for myself and a lot of loyal BlackBerry users its not so much about the wait, but more about the change we will see. I for one love my BlackBerry the way it is. Sure there are areas that need work, and other areas that are just straight up lacking, but it does everything I need it to do. Not to mention as far as q2 not being so good, most of sell through came from the new OS7 devices, which were well accepted and much needed. So for now the BlackBerry world seems a little quiet, but that’s ok Devcon is literally around the corner. And with that comes more announcements and some sneak peaks we all are looking forward to.

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